On the weekend of 15. -16 June a masterclass by actor and theatre educator Tony Grahn (S) will be held in ReFocusMethod. Places are still available so take the opportunity to get to know this technique, developed from the theatre teacher and actor Andris Blekte‘s (1923-2007) relaxation technique for actors.

About the method:

“How to get out of your head and into the presence:
The most important thing for an actor or singer is to portray the truth, to move with the truth, to deliver a text as true. To get there, the performer needs to be able let go of self judgments, personal tensions, striving toward a deep self-knowledge, to find something beyond their control, tensions and blockages. The actor’s tools, their instrument, is the body, the five senses, the muscles that create movement, big movements, small ones like in the face – tension and relaxation. The five senses also inhabit the body. With the help of these senses and our conscious thinking (conscious choice), we can direct focus, place attention to something specific, and thus become present.” (description from the website www.refocusmethod.com)


Cover photo from book about Blekte.

Read more about the technique and Tony Grahn’s achievements on the website www.refocusmethod.com

Date: 15/6-16/6
Time: 10:00 – 18:00
Place: Sønder Boulevard 81, Copenhagen V
Price: 2.200 DKK. 1.650 DKK for members of the Experimental Station.
MAX 8 participants.

Registration and questions to tony.grahn@themethodlab.com