Link to full version here. The newsletter contains:
1. Since last
1. News from the office
2. NADINE summerintensive
2. Upcoming activities
1. Workshop with the Institute for the Performing Arts (S)
3. Current member attempts
1. Seasonal trials
2. The circular self
3. The actor’s vibrations
4. The foxcave
4. Special for members
1. General Assembly
2. Training new season

There’s always a Rikke in the office!
At the Experimental Station office, we are well into the season and getting Team Rikke up and running. A little name confusion can occur when things get a little hectic – and they do in this house. That is why we have chosen to allow for differentiation. We both sound the name Rikke, but from now on it will be Rikke Rod who is in charge of PR, website, newsletter and trial promotion ( and Rikke Gis (short for Giselsson) who, as administrator, takes care of bookings, memberships and finances (

Photo: Rikke J. Rod

Nadine George Summer Intensive 2019
As already mentioned, we had the pleasure of hosting Nadine George’s annual SUMMER INTENSIVE. Øyvind Kirchhoff gives here a small analysis of the experience (click on photo to watch video on Vimeo):

Nadine George’s technique is an integral part of our DNA at the Experiment Station and we offer members ongoing basic training in this work. There is thus voice training every Wednesday at 9-10:45 where you can keep your technique up to date. Read more about it here ( .

** Upcoming activities

** Workshop with the Institute for Performing Arts (S)
Photo: Markus Hofmann
On 4 – 6 October 2019 INSTITUT FÖR SCENKONST (S) will visit Forsøgsstationen with the workshop “The Being of Doing” by MAGDALENA PIETRUSKA and ROGER ROLIN. Places are still available – there are a limited number of free places for members – and otherwise it costs 1,700 DKK to attend.

It is a 3-day workshop in acting with a focus on the actor’s dramaturgy and the conscious-spontaneous. We look forward to sharing their work with interested performing artists.

Read more about their workshop, price and registration details here ( .

Current membership attempts

It is always possible to read about ongoing or previous trials via the database ( or under trials ( on the website, where you can also download trial reports and read the trial team’s intention reports – i.e. the trial team’s presentation of the trial itself. Members can apply for time and sparring on trials – see how here ( . Views may not always make it into the newsletter, so keep an eye on our facebook page ( and the website if you are particularly interested in experiencing the artistic research processes up close…

** Try the calendar…

** Silence, Pause, Audience recollections
Photo: Rikke J. Rod – photo taken before the kick-off meeting in June 2019.
The experimental station has now launched seasonal trials for 2019/20. It is inspired by the work with “The Sound of the Audience” (season experiment 2016/17 ( ) and a general interest in working with audience relations in an artistic context. The main question is: What are the expectations, private needs and memories of the audience? The exploration of this involves the creation of 3 small sound works, which are developed by composer Peter Bruun in collaboration with an experimental choir, conductor Erik Jakobsson and the Forsøgsstation’s artistic direction. The project will have its first public screening during CPH STAGE 2020.

There will be regular news from the ‘engine room’. Read more here ( .

** Actor’s vibrations
The experiment “The actor’s vibrations ” builds on the Olske Orchester’s recent experiment “The actor as shaman ( ” on transformation and presence, led by Lotte Faarup and Øyvind Kirchhoff. In the new experiment, the actor’s body and voice and habits are challenged to an extreme degree, in order to amplify the vibrations of the players.

Photography: Robert Bennett.
The hypothesis is that the vibrations can then propagate in the audience in an all-encompassing way. The trial will run as a weekly survey in autumn/winter 2019. The actors/performers: Morten Klode, Angelina Watson, Ditte Laumann, Sofie Ebbesen, Øyvind Kirchhoff, Mireia Serra and director Lotte Faarup.
Read more about the trial here ( .

** The circular self
Photo: Sara Gebran
The experiment “The Circular Self” is led by choreographer Sara Gebran and explores how concepts like intimacy and inclusion can be established on stage. It is an elaboration of concepts and practices in her book “ANOTHER HOLE” (2019). In addition, three internationally renowned choreographers and set designers will be invited to participate in different parts of the experiment. They are Rebecka Stillman (Se), Maria Stiernborg and Olivia Riviera (Dk/Se).

Read more about the trial here ( .

** The Foxcave Development Project
Photo: Svend E. Kristensen
The experiment “The Foxcave” explores the immersive theatre genre and tries to answer the question of how to tell a sensory story that envelops its audience in interaction, sensing and narrative. The experiment will take place in autumn 2019 and is led by Svend E. Kristensen. The idea and concept were developed by performer Svend E. Kristensen and director Jesper Pedersen. In addition, a creative team is currently being assembled (open call had deadline August 10), as well as sample audiences. The experimental project is supported by the Bikuben Foundation, the Danish Arts Foundation and the Actors’ Union.

Read more about the trial here ( .

Special for members

** General Assembly of the Experimental Station
In the coming days, the agenda for the General Assembly will be sent out by email to members of the Experimental Station. It will take place on Monday 23 September at 18:00. All members are welcome, but for planning purposes, please RSVP.

Use the Network!
We would like to encourage members to use this unique network (which many already do – not least via the facebook group “Forsøgsstationen intern” ( ) – both in the form of invitations to screenings of trials or rehearsals, but of course also when it is time to play a performance.

** Training season 19/20
The training offer for the season is:

** Monday 18-19:30 – Dance – basic* (Stands&Dans)
Monday 19:30-21 – Flow and technique* (Stands&Dans)
Tuesday 20:00-21:00 – Gaga People **
Wednesday 9-10:45 – Voice training# (SMS the day before)
Thursday 8:30-9:30 – Gaga People **
GAGA starts already on 6 August while the dance teams start on 2 September (week 36) and the voice training on 11 September (week 37).

*) Read more about the teams on their website here ( . It is free for members to attend. Please write to and provide your Member ID when registering.

**) Free for members – and non-members can participate for a fee of 70 DKK per session. See more about dates here ( .

#) Offer for members only. Registration required by 9pm the night before by texting Angelina on 20150949. Class starts at 9am, so be there early.